Big results from the first weekend for the M11 (the first result submitted this season) and M10 who both debuted in Div 7SE with good wins, including a hattrick for Luke Ashe-Browne for M10. Both 1st teams also got off to unbeaten starts, and I’m looking forward to seeing those draws turn into wins in the coming weeks.
I won’t waffle too much in this intro, not least because you’ll hear enough from me this edition as it contains the inaugural Big Interview with Simon Wright of M1 sponsorship and M11 vice-captain fame, where I get plenty of airtime. This is also a noteworthy BackPost edition as it will be the first that we are pushing out on the Clubzap app as well as to inboxes. If you don’t receive the Backpost in your inbox, but see it in the app, please sign up using this link: to get yourself on the mailing list.
The big focus point for the club at the moment is the upcoming 5th October deadline for paying your subs. It is so easy to pay through the membership section of the app, so please do endeavour to get that done this weekend before we start the (seemingly traditional) chasing period for everyone who hasn’t been able to figure it out. There are two important things to note related to this:
1. in the unlikely event that the season is canceled entirely, we will not be leaving paid up members out of pocket. Word from England Hockey is that postponements would be a more likely scenario
2. If you are facing any issues in paying, particularly in the current climate, please do speak to me (Dom Oliver - or our treasurers (Morgan/Tash in total confidence to work out the best option for you.
Our first back 2 hockey session of the season will be on 12 October 2020 at 8.30 at JO - this is the first entry point for people totally new to hockey, so please share with friends! More sessions through October and November will be announced soon, look out for dates.
That’s all from me this week. May your Saturdays be dry and your socialising be limited to six.
Please keep up the good work by staying in your groups of no more than 6 players at all times off the hockey pitch, including any warm-up or team talks outside of the confines of the pitch.
While JO and LV cannot accommodate general spectators at present, both venues recognise that junior players will be accompanied by their parents (and LV have space for parents to shelter in the reception area).
Please continue to monitor your own symptoms before leaving for hockey, and let your team CCP and our COVID Officer Kate know if you or someone in your household is experiencing symptoms, has tested positive, or has been advised to self-isolate. Kate can be reached on
Our reporters have managed to corner new Club Chair Dom Oliver and grill him for answers.
You are the new Club chair. How much convincing did that take, and what exactly do you do in that role?
I was Vice-Chair: Performance for the previous two years alongside Lotta Paulus, a role now shared by Ciara Murphy and Ollie Bull so rather than dwell on how much convincing I took, we should think about how they’ll decide between them who takes it on next year. Always look forward. So far the role has involved getting myself across the various briefs of the people who really run the club day-to-day: the exec and committee, and figuring out how I can enable them/get out of their way while representing the club externally (England Hockey, (potential) sponsors, etc.)
As the new chair, is there a particular direction you want to take the club?We have to be pragmatic at the moment and acknowledge that much of our bandwidth as an exec will at times be taken up being reactive to certain COVID realities. That doesn’t mean we can’t have a plan beyond that, of course. On the pitch, that means continuing our uncanny progression overall in promotion and opportunity for all levels. Off the pitch, that means leveling up on engagement from our members - utilising the impressive collective skill set and network this club has to improve what we can offer, from things as obvious as better sponsorship and fundraising to less obvious things like sharpening up some of our internal processes and practices.
Down in the shallow end of the hockey pool, we know you more as our training coach, rather than as a player. What position do you play? What position do you WANT to play?A question as old as my hockey career. Having been everything except a Full Back at one point or another, I’m currently a (goal-hanging) Centre Forward*. (*correct at time of going to print)
How long have you been a Wapping? What's the funniest thing you have seen happen at the club?I think this will be my 6th season at Wapping. I joined when I was 25. The funniest thing I’ve seen in that time is my aging, but not in a haha-funny kinda way.
Everyone has a pre match routine...what music to you turn up loud to get you pumped for a game, and talk us through your pre game ritual? If you say it involves a bowl of quinoa, some light yoga and some whale sound music you owe me a pint. You owe the whole CLUB a pint.Just the quinoa and whale sounds, which I think excuses me from that forfeit. No, 90% of pre-game prep is done the night before. After that it’s about turning my headphones up so loud I can’t hear the surrounding traffic on my bike and hoping I make it to the game alive.
What's your personal favourite hockey performance? Can be one goal, or playing through injury to win a match. Give us some details, and why you rate it as your best.Through ball from Ollie Davies, 30 yards out still but through 1-on-1 with East London’s goalkeeper. Take it round him at full pelt - granted, that isn’t saying much - and, thankfully, don’t miss the glaringly open goal. 1-0 Wapping and 3 points.
Photo credit: James Budgen